What a sweet face! But oh, what a stinky mess Fido can make! Need help getting rid of those pet stains and odor?
Dog … man’s best friend. We all love our dogs –as well we should. But not many of us like cleaning up those hidden accidents they can leave behind. A piddle puddle here and a poop pile there, and soon your carpet can begin to look and smell like a nightmare.
Pet odor and stains can be unwelcoming. It can cause you to not want to have company over. We don’t want you to feel embarrassed to have guests to your home.
If Fido has had some accidents in your home, we can help you remove those pet stains and odor.
We have several different antimicrobial disinfectants, enzyme stain removers as well as highly concentrated deodorizers. These commercial grade products won’t harm your carpet or your pet, but will aggressively attack those pet stains and odor.
You probably want to know ways to prevent any future pet stains and odor. The Humane Society recommends crate training. “The primary use for a crate is housetraining. Dogs don’t like to soil their dens.” Click here to learn how to crate train your dog.
One key to successful crate training is to provide your dog with plenty of play and exercise time. The city of Arlington sports an “off-leash” park for dogs. After a good walk, pet parents will tell you that the Tails and Trails Dog Park is a great place to meet new friends and have some quality play time.
Want to take your pet for some play time? Click here for more info about the Tails and Trails Dog Park.