This year, it was your turn to host the family Christmas celebration at your home in Highland Park. You spent hours cleaning and decorating your home in preparation for this special holiday.
But now, Christmas has come and gone. The gifts have all been opened. And the big Christmas feast has been eaten.
What remains is the cleaning.
Fun was had by all…all, that is, but your carpet. It seems that the children decided to take their food and drinks and join Grandpa in the family room. While that might have made a picturesque moment, it also was the set up for a major accident. In the midst of tickling battles, cups of Christmas punch and plates filled with delectable desserts went flying onto the carpet.
You immediately started cleaning the mess. And that’s good. But, we all know how fast punch can penetrate the carpet fibers. Let’s face it. The grocery store brands of carpet cleaning solutions just won’t do the job. That’s why you need to call in a professional carpet cleaning company, one you can trust to take good care of your Highland Park home.
We’re glad you feel confident in calling Dr. Clean Carpet to handle this and all your carpet cleaning needs. You can count on our polite and professional technicians to provide you with exceptional cleaning service. When they leave your home in Highland Park, you’ll be pleased with how fresh your carpet looks and smells.
With the cleaning of your carpet and home complete, you’ll want to continue your holiday festivities. Why not take the family out to enjoy the Highland Park Christmas Lights Tour via an enchanting ride in a horse drawn carriage? Who knows, this may become your new family tradition. Be sure to capture every moment with your camera and every memory in your heart.